
The Battle for Basra

June 23, 2008

Iraq Report 9 offers a comprehensive look at the battle for Basra, Operation Knight’s Charge.

A MNSTC-I Status Report

June 20, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

This backgrounder details the status of the Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I) three years on.

How Prime Minister Maliki Pacified Iraq (The Wall Street Journal)

June 10, 2008 - Kimberly Kagan

Where the U.S. was unequivocally losing in Iraq at the end of 2006, we are just as unequivocally winning today.

The Fight for Mosul

June 4, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

This Iraq Report describes the fight for Mosul from March 2003 through early 2008.

The Iraqi Accord Front's Return to Government

May 16, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

A backgrounder explaining why the Iraqi Accord Front recently returned to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's ruling coalition.

The Fight for Mosul

April 29, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

This backgrounder details the fight against al-Qaeda in Iraq for control of Mosul from the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003 to early 2008.

Iraqi Security Force Operations in Basra

April 21, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

A fact sheet on the performance of the Iraqi Security Forces in the recent Basra operations.

Iraqi Security Force Operations in Sadr City

April 17, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

A fact sheet on the performance of the Iraqi Security Forces in the recent Sadr City operations.

Multi-National Division – Center’s Operations during the 2007-2008 Troop Surge

April 10, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

Since June 2007, Multi-National Division - Center (MND-C) has been engaged in a large-scale effort to secure the Belts south and east of Baghdad.

Recent Operations against Special Groups and JAM in Central and Southern Iraq

April 7, 2008 - Institute for the Study of War

This backgrounder details what the recent operations in southern Iraq reveal about the enemy system and the capacity of the Iraqi Security Forces.
