"Why Negotiate with The Taliban?" (WSJ)
March 16, 2010 - Kimberly Kagan
Military progress is being made in Afghanistan. There's no reason to alienate moderate Pashtuns.
Military progress is being made in Afghanistan. There's no reason to alienate moderate Pashtuns.
There appears to be a fissure in Pakistan’s long-standing support for the Quetta Shura Taliban. The recent arrests have caused a flurry of speculation about possible changes in Pakistani policy.
This backgrounder provides an update on the political landscape in Iraq, the electoral process, and post-election government formation.
For more information on the Force Distribution in Marjah and Nad Ali, see Operation Moshtarak: Taking and Holding Marjah by Jeffrey Dressler.
This Backgrounder is the second installment in a series of reports analyzing the battle for Marjah in Helmand province.
Dr. Kimberly Kagan and Dr. Fredrick Kagan, Wall Street Journal, February 17, 2010
This backgrounder provides an update on the political developments in Iraq in advance of the March 7, 2010 parliamentary election.
Helmand, Afghanistan
For more information on Helmand, Afghanistan, see Operation Moshtarak: Preparing for the Battle of Marjah, by Jeffrey Dressler.
This Backgrounder is the first installment in a series of reports analyzing the battle for Marjah in Helmand province.