Maliki Makes a Play for the Southern Tribes
Nov 6, 2008 - Scott Weiner
In the Shia dominated south of Iraq, a conflict is developing over political dominance in the upcoming provincial elections.
In the Shia dominated south of Iraq, a conflict is developing over political dominance in the upcoming provincial elections.
BBC News - How ready is Iraq for Obama plan? by Andrew North
The Washington Post - Combat Brigade is Cut 6 Weeks Early in Iraq, by Ann Scott Tyson
Associated Press - Blasts in Baghdad kill 4, wound more than 20, by Sinan Salaheddin
New York Times - For Family in Iraq, Drop in Deaths Is Not Enough, by Katherine Zoepf and Sam Dagher
BBC - Seven dead in Baghdad bomb blasts
Associated Press - Police: Bombings kill 9, wound at least 33 in Iraq, by Hamid Ahmed
Reuters - FACTBOX-Security developments in Iraq, Oct 31
New York Times - Iraqi Ministry Adopts Political Neutrality, by Abeer Mohammed and Katherine Zoepf
Associated Press - Iraq plans to cut 2009 budget by $13 billion
The Iraqi leadership continues to press for last minute changes to the SOFA agreements while the US reiterates its support for the agreement in its current state.
New York Times - Iraqis Insist on Changes to Long-Delayed Security Pact With U.S., by Sam Dagher
A timeline of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Negotiations and Iranian Interference.
A backgrounder on the ongoing and often contentious SOFA negotiations.
US Special Forces conducted a daylight raid against Al Qaeda within the Syrian border. US sources call the raid successful while Syrian authorities have decried it as a violation of their sovereignty.
Wall Street Journal - Syria Halts Diplomacy After U.S. Military Strike, by Jay Solomon
U.S. Special Forces have reportedly conducted a raid inside Syrian territory on the border with Iraq. While U.S. officials have not publically claimed responsibility, sources say U.S. hunter-killer teams trained their sights on Al Qaeda's senior coordinator in Syria, Abu Ghadiya. For the latest on this operation, see:
New York Times - Syria and Iran Blame U.S. in Blast on Iraq Border, by Katherine Zoepf