Uzbek Militancy in Pakistan's Tribal Region
Jan 27, 2011 - Institute for t...
The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) has been active in the Pakistani tribal region since late 2001, where it reconstituted after fighting alongside the Taliban.
The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) has been active in the Pakistani tribal region since late 2001, where it reconstituted after fighting alongside the Taliban.
Now that President Obama has authorized Gen. David Petraeus to continue to execute the current strategy in Afghanistan, the question is: Can the U.S. strategy succeed?
Negotiating with the Haqqani network, a terrorist organization in Afghanistana nd Pakistan, is not an option.
ISW Analyst Jeff Dressler talks to VOA's Elizabeth Lee about the militant groups currently finding refuge in Pakistan.
Selected video from September 22, 2010. From the Front Lines: Evaluating Afghanistan.
This map illustrates force disposition of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.