The Irreconcilables: The Haqqani Network
Jun 28, 2010 - Anonymous
This backgrounder outlines the history of the Haqqani Network in Pakistan.
This backgrounder outlines the history of the Haqqani Network in Pakistan.
ISW Research Analyst Jeffrey Dressler offers thoughts on North Waziristan at Bellum, A Project of the Stanford Review.
ISW Afghanistan expert Jeffrey Dressler talks with CNN Pentagon correspondent Chris Lawrence.
There appears to be a fissure in Pakistan’s long-standing support for the Quetta Shura Taliban. The recent arrests have caused a flurry of speculation about possible changes in Pakistani policy.
Hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee on the subject of Afghanistan. December 2, 2009.
It is a strategic mistake for decision makers in Washington to buy-in to the Taliban’s propaganda efforts.
Dr. Kimberly Kagan (ISW) and Dr. Fred Kagan (AEI) have produced a second report considering how enemy groups would respond to several US Policy scenarios.