2009 Iraqi Provincial Elections Fact Sheet


On January 31, 2009, fourteen of Iraq’s eighteen provinces will hold Provincial Elections. Elections in the Kurdish region, including the provinces of Dahuk, Arbil, and Sulaymaniyah, and the disputed province of Kirkuk will hold elections at a later date. Iraq’s last Provincial Elections were held in 2005.

The Iraqi Provincial Elections will be a critical step towards a more stable and sovereign Iraq if they are legitimate. The Sunni, who boycotted the 2005 Iraqi elections, will have the opportunity to achieve proportional representation in the country’s provincial councils. Iraq’s nascent political party system will have a chance to develop Iraq as a whole and will be given the chance to demonstrate its ability to hold free and fair elections with a minimum of Coalition support. In short, the elections are a critical test of Iraq’s ability to conduct the most fundamental function of a sovereign democracy.

This fact sheet provides information on the upcoming Provincial Elections. It includes details on the bodies which oversee elections, the registration process for political parties, an explanation of the system by which polls are to be conducted, descriptions of security measures in place for the elections, and identification of provinces where elections are likely to be contentious.
To view the fact sheet, click here.

