"The Promise, and Peril, Ahead for Iraq"

The Promise, and Peril, Ahead for Iraq

The parliament has learned how to use the power of the purse

The Wall Street Journal 04/09/2009, Opinion Section

by Kimberly Kagan and Frederick Kagan




"During his visit to Iraq this week, President Barack Obama commended U.S. forces for their invaluable work there: "From getting rid of Saddam, to reducing violence, to stabilizing the country, to facilitating elections -- you have given Iraq the opportunity to stand on its own as a democratic country. That is an extraordinary achievement." But the president also cautioned that "now is not the time to lose focus" for the next 18 months will be a "critical period."

He's absolutely right."


To read the full Op-Ed, please navigate to the Wall Street Journal website

Additional Off-site Authors: 
Frederick Kagan
