History of the Iraq War

History of the Iraq War

ISW is developing an unparalleled resource for historians of the Iraq War that will deeply influence the scholarly narrative of the conflict for generations. ISW sponsors major historical research on the military operations, including the forthcoming work of ISW Senior Fellow Michael Gordon (on leave from The New York Times), Dr. Kimberly Kagan’s The Surge: A Military History, and Marisa Cochrane Sullivan’s tenure as the Command Historian in Iraq.

In 2008, ISW received a special gift to create a documentary on the Surge that would explain to a wider audience why and how the military operations of 2007 worked, using exclusive interviews with the officers who commanded U.S. forces in Iraq. This documentary is now available on Amazon.com. A shorter version is also available.

With over forty hours of original, professionally-filmed interviews from top commanders, ISW plans to merge the footage, interviews, and historical documents into a rich, online archive for scholars.

To provide financial support for ISW's History of the Iraq War, please click the blue button on the right orcontact Alicia Bonner at (202) 293-5550, ext. 211 or email [email protected]

Mail checks to: Development Office, Institute for the Study of War, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 515, Washington, DC 20036