Asaib Ahl al Haq and the Special Groups
Jan 13, 2009 - Anonymous
This paper evaluates how the two groups, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Special Groups are affiliated by testing four hypotheses about the relationship between the two organizations.
This paper evaluates how the two groups, Asaib Ahl al-Haq and Special Groups are affiliated by testing four hypotheses about the relationship between the two organizations.
The Iraqi leadership continues to press for last minute changes to the SOFA agreements while the US reiterates its support for the agreement in its current state.
New York Times - Iraqis Insist on Changes to Long-Delayed Security Pact With U.S., by Sam Dagher
This Google Earth file maps Multi-National Force-Iraq press releases on activity by and against Iranian-backed Special Groups.
As the SOFA negotiations near their deadline, the Iraqi Cabinet is seeking further amendments to the SOFA draft regarding the duration of U.S. troop presence. Responding to this request, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated his reluctance to make any changes to the draft given the time constraints. For the latest on these complex negotiations, read:
New York Times - Mullen Says Iraq Running Out of Time On Forces Accord, by Thom Shanker
The Status of Forces Agreement has recently reached a new phase as Iraqi and U.S. negotiators discuss the final details. However, internal politics and foreign interference continue to put the agreement's future into question.
This Google Earth file maps Multi-National Force-Iraq press releases on activity by and against Iranian-backed Special Groups.
A follow up commentary by Marisa Cochrane on the current state of Iranian backed Special Groups activity in Iraq.